Our Approach & Focus

We provide a broad range of investment options across many market segments. It is important for us to partner with strong and proven management teams with a clear vision.

Growth Oriented

We look for existing companies with a proven track record and a high-growth focus.

Follow-on Investments

As the business grows, we are committed to providing additional funds for working capital, acquisitions, and capital expenditures.

Domestic Focus

We're happy to partner with any company with its primary location in the USA.

Industry Agnostic

We have a history in technology, manufacturing, aviation, and consumer goods, but will consider opportunities in most industries.

Flexible Terms

We typically take majority equity positions or provide secured/unsecured financing vehicles. We do lead/co-lead investments at times.


We can invest alongside other private equity funds at times. No investments in third party funds.

Contact Us

We'd love to hear about your business or project opportunities. Please use the form or contact information below to reach out.